


Construct a new Coptic calendar object. This class encodes information about a Coptic calendar.


# new CopticCal(optionsopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
options Object <optional>

Options governing the construction of this instance

View Source CopticCal.js, line 32



# getMonLength(month, year) → {number}

Return the number of days in a particular month in a particular year. This function can return a different number for a month depending on the year because of things like leap years.

Name Type Description
month number | string

the month for which the length is sought

year number

the year within which that month can be found

Inherited From:

View Source EthiopicCal.js, line 62

the number of days within the given month in the given year


# getNumMonths(year)

Return the number of months in the given year. The number of months in a year varies for lunar calendars because in some years, an extra month is needed to extend the days in a year to an entire solar year. The month is represented as a 1-based number where 1=Maskaram, 2=Teqemt, etc. until 13=Paguemen.

Name Type Description
year number

a year for which the number of months is sought

Inherited From:

View Source EthiopicCal.js, line 49

# getType() → {string}

Return the type of this calendar.

Inherited From:

View Source EthiopicCal.js, line 110

the name of the type of this calendar


# isLeapYear(year) → {boolean}

Return true if the given year is a leap year in the Ethiopic calendar. The year parameter may be given as a number, or as a JulDate object.

Name Type Description
year number | EthiopicDate | string

the year for which the leap year information is being sought

Inherited From:

View Source EthiopicCal.js, line 86

true if the given year is a leap year
