

(protected) Calendar()

Superclass for all calendar subclasses that contains shared functionality.
This class is never instantiated on its own. Instead, you should use the CalendarFactory function to manufacture a new instance of a subclass of Calendar.


# protected new Calendar()

View Source Calendar.js, line 31


# getMonLength(month, year) → {number}

Return the number of days in a particular month in a particular year. This function can return a different number for a month depending on the year because of things like leap years.

Name Type Description
month number

the month for which the length is sought

year number

the year within which that month can be found

View Source Calendar.js, line 72

the number of days within the given month in the given year


# getNumMonths(year) → {number}

Return the number of months in the given year. The number of months in a year varies for some luni-solar calendars because in some years, an extra month is needed to extend the days in a year to an entire solar year. The month is represented as a 1-based number where 1=first month, 2=second month, etc.

Name Type Description
year number

a year for which the number of months is sought

View Source Calendar.js, line 59

The number of months in the given year


# getType() → {string}

Return the type of this calendar.

View Source Calendar.js, line 46

the name of the type of this calendar


# isLeapYear(year) → {boolean}

Return true if the given year is a leap year in this calendar. The year parameter may be given as a number.

Name Type Description
year number

the year for which the leap year information is being sought

View Source Calendar.js, line 83

true if the given year is a leap year
