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Namespace ilib

Version // !macro ilibVersion.
The global namespace that contains general ilib functions useful to all of ilib
Defined in: ilib.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Place where resources and such are eventually assigned.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
ilib.bind(scope, method)
If Function.prototype.bind does not exist in this JS engine, this function reimplements it in terms of older JS functions.
Clear the file load cache.
Reset the list of pseudo locales back to the default single locale of zxx-XX.
ilib.extend(object1, object2)
Extend object1 by mixing in everything from object2 into it.
Return the custom Loader instance currently in use with this instance of ilib.
Return the default locale for all of ilib if one has been set.
Return the default time zone for all of ilib if one has been set.
Return the current version of ilib.
Test whether an object is an javascript array.
Return true if this copy of ilib is using dynamically loaded code.
Return true if this copy of ilib is using dynamically loaded locale data.
Sets the pseudo locale.
Set the custom loader used to load ilib's locale data in your environment.
Sets the default locale for all of ilib.
Sets the default time zone for all of ilib.
Namespace Detail
Field Detail
Place where resources and such are eventually assigned.
Method Detail
<static> {function(...)|undefined} ilib.bind(scope, method)
If Function.prototype.bind does not exist in this JS engine, this function reimplements it in terms of older JS functions. bind() doesn't exist in many older browsers.
{Object} scope
object that the method should operate on
{function(...)} method
method to call
{function(...)|undefined} function that calls the given method in the given scope with all of its arguments properly attached, or undefined if there was a problem with the arguments

<static> ilib.clearCache()
Clear the file load cache. This is mainly used by the unit tests, but could be used by regular callers if you want to free up memory for garbage collecting.

<static> ilib.clearPseudoLocales()
Reset the list of pseudo locales back to the default single locale of zxx-XX.

<static> {Object} ilib.extend(object1, object2)
Extend object1 by mixing in everything from object2 into it. The objects are deeply extended, meaning that this method recursively descends the tree in the objects and mixes them in at each level. Arrays are extended by concatenating the elements of object2 onto those of object1.
{Object} object1
the target object to extend
{Object=} object2
the object to mix in to object1
{Object} returns object1

<static> {ilib.Loader|undefined} ilib.getLoader()
Return the custom Loader instance currently in use with this instance of ilib. If there is no loader, this method returns undefined.
{ilib.Loader|undefined} the loader instance currently in use, or undefined if there is no such loader

<static> {string} ilib.getLocale()
Return the default locale for all of ilib if one has been set. This locale will be used when no explicit locale is passed to any ilib class. If the default locale is not set, ilib will attempt to use the locale of the environment it is running in, if it can find that. If not, it will default to the locale "en-US".

{string} the locale specifier for the default locale

<static> {string} ilib.getTimeZone()
Return the default time zone for all of ilib if one has been set. This time zone will be used when no explicit time zone is passed to any ilib class. If the default time zone is not set, ilib will attempt to use the locale of the environment it is running in, if it can find that. If not, it will default to the the zone "local".

{string} the default time zone for ilib

<static> {string} ilib.getVersion()
Return the current version of ilib.
{string} a version string for this instance of ilib

<static> {boolean} ilib.isArray(object)
Test whether an object is an javascript array.
{*} object
The object to test
{boolean} return true if the object is an array and false otherwise

<static> {boolean} ilib.isDynCode()
Return true if this copy of ilib is using dynamically loaded code. It returns false for pre-assembled code.
{boolean} true if this ilib uses dynamically loaded code, and false otherwise

<static> {boolean} ilib.isDynData()
Return true if this copy of ilib is using dynamically loaded locale data. It returns false for pre-assembled data.
{boolean} true if this ilib uses dynamically loaded locale data, and false otherwise

<static> ilib.setAsPseudoLocale(localename)
Sets the pseudo locale. Pseudolocalization (or pseudo-localization) is used for testing internationalization aspects of software. Instead of translating the text of the software into a foreign language, as in the process of localization, the textual elements of an application are replaced with an altered version of the original language.These specific alterations make the original words appear readable, but include the most problematic characteristics of the world's languages: varying length of text or characters, language direction, and so on. Regular Latin pseudo locale: eu-ES and RTL pseudo locale: ps-AF
{string|undefined|null} localename
the locale specifier for the pseudo locale

<static> {boolean} ilib.setLoaderCallback(loader)
Set the custom loader used to load ilib's locale data in your environment. The instance passed in must implement the Loader interface. See the Loader class documentation for more information about loaders.
{ilib.Loader} loader
class to call to access the requested data.
{boolean} true if the loader was installed correctly, or false if not

<static> ilib.setLocale(spec)
Sets the default locale for all of ilib. This locale will be used when no explicit locale is passed to any ilib class. If the default locale is not set, ilib will attempt to use the locale of the environment it is running in, if it can find that. If not, it will default to the locale "en-US". If a type of parameter is string, ilib will take only well-formed BCP-47 tag

{string|undefined|null} spec
the locale specifier for the default locale

<static> ilib.setTimeZone(tz)
Sets the default time zone for all of ilib. This time zone will be used when no explicit time zone is passed to any ilib class. If the default time zone is not set, ilib will attempt to use the time zone of the environment it is running in, if it can find that. If not, it will default to the the UTC zone "Etc/UTC".

{string} tz
the name of the time zone to set as the default time zone

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Tue Jan 17 2023 15:56:28 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)